Burton's Global Page: "The White Man's Burden"

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"The White Man's Burden"

The White Man's Burden is a great poem that talks about imperialism. It also explains to the reader on how it affected the people who claimed countries, and how much it affected the people who had been claimed or dominated. The poem is originally written by an inspiring author named, Rudyard Kipling. The poem is based on the experiences on how America conquered the country that is around Asia, which is Philippines. It was a burden or problem that they felt and faced on the days when they conquered Philippines. It was on those times when they were helping the Filipinos, and since the Filipinos doesn't know anything yet it was really hard and challenging for them to civilized this people. The Americans believed that their duty was to help the needy ones rather than other things, which are not necessary. They believed that this is a responsibility that should be accomplished in order for the human race to be better, especially the nation in Philippines, which is needed to be improved at that time. They wanted the Filipinos to be like them, which is civilized and disciplined. That's why they thought of creating a government for this people who are in need.
In the poem, it also said that the Americans introduced medicines and other biology stuff for the Filipinos that they thought they never heard before and should be learn by them. And since the White People have more technological advances and other great stuff, they have the advantage to help other cultures but they didn't thought of doing these things on that way. The main thing they were doing this is because they needed more natural resources from other countries, and other raw materials for the sake of their own countries.
The poem tells us that it is a must for these countries to be in a civilized way and be placed in a modern world. This is a fact that i considered to be true and considered to agree with. This is also an example about teaching people and for them to learn and be civilized and be disciplined. And education is the main factor here. And i believe that education is a beautiful thing and learning is the most educational experiences and opportunities you can have in your life no matter what kind of person you are.
But the part that i disagree is how these countries discriminate other people who are in need. I mean its true that they should teach these people, but they shouldn't force them on doing what they wanted them to do. They shouldn't steal and take away the real essence and life of the culture of this countries. Because these countries has a family and people who love their country for being that kind of country. And they are striving themselves to preserve these things, and taking away this precious things from them is something that we should think is wrong. For example, like what happened in Africa of the disaster from the "Scramble for Africa", they took away almost everything from them. And the real or the original Africa before is now different from the modern Africa today. And yes its true that they are more civilized but there is something more important that has been taken away from them besides good and natural resources, it is the essence of their true country that has been taken away and that has been converted to a new and modern one.
It is true that United States is still imperialistic today because they still want to conquer and dominate Iraq to make it more civilized and to make the country a democratic government.

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