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Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo Galilei

In the early centuries, Aristotle and Ptolemy had a theory that the Earth is at the center of the universe, and the Sun and other objects go around it, which is called the Geocentric Theory. Early philosophers assumed with a complex idea that the Sun, Moon, Stars, and naked eye planets circle around the Earth. But Lately the Geocentric Theory was proven to be wrong.
Nicolas Copernicus studied and examined the records of motions of heavenly bodies by using the scientific method, and rejected the Geocentric Theory. And had a theory that the sun is at the center of the solar system. And that all the planets revolve around it, which is called the Heliocentric Theory.

The Geocentric theory was the first theory that came first. And the Heliocentric theory was the theory that came out of the scientific revolution. (To be Continued)

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