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Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

This is a crisis that the revolutionary leaders turned on each other. "Reign of terror" is a period during French Revolution that happened between September 1793 and July 1784. It was a time of violence when systematic violence is used by the government, person, or group to frighten other people and obtain or maintain control or command over them. This is a period of time on which thousands of people were executed as enemies of the revolution.
Robespierre's view was, constitutional government would have to wait until fear and repression had eliminated the enemies of the Revolution. Robespierre forced the Girondins to leave from the National Convention.
France was in a state of great confusion, commotion, or disturbance, and with the aim of restoring order and reducing the danger of invasion from other countries. Robespierre eliminated all whom he considered to be enemies of the Revolution, both extremist and moderates. This policy led to as what they call, the Reign of Terror and to the execution.

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