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Evolution vs Creation

Creation and Evolution has been a big issue in our lives, as well as how we understand and analyze the facts of life in the planet we live in.
People are most likely divided to have different beliefs on Evolution and Creation. And Scientist study about Evolution, and how it explains the theoretical process by which all species develop from earlier forms of life.
Charles Darwin, a British scientist is one of the greatest scientist whose theory is based on Evolution, which laid the foundations of modern evolutionary. Darwin's Theory is based on how we evolve through Evolution, and how random genetic mutations occur within an organism’s genetic code written DNA. Darwin believes that we're all connected by similarities or a common source through the life of animals, plants, and fruits or any living thing on earth that have similarities through ourselves. Darwin assumes that every thing that happened through our lives are natural through the slow working process called; “natural selection“, which are passed on to the next generation that results as a different kind of organism by avoiding or ignoring complexities of our ancestors that evolve naturally overtime.
Darwin’s theory of evolution is a slow gradual process. Scientist in the modern day uses scientific tools such as, the microscope, and other tools that are built in order for scientist to go deeper through the human body and discover more about cells and how human body and other organisms evolve. But Darwin, on his days, concluded that "we don't need a microscope to observe irreducible complexity. The eye, the ear and the heart are all examples of irreducible complexity."
Still there were certain amounts of information and technology that was discovered and built today that Darwin didn't know. In addition, "Evolution" still has an absence of a particular thing. And scientist are still studying, experimenting, and researching all the facts of life that may be leading on how life started billions of billions of years ago, which are still considered as a theoretical process.

On the other hand, other people believe in "Creation." Believers on creationism are religious people. they believe that God created the universe. They accept geological findings but rejects evolution. Creationism, covers a broad range of beliefs and interpretation involving to God's miraculous creation. And today, people are divided according to its beliefs, and no one could still justify and correct, which is right.

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