The Scientific Revolution happened around 1500 and 1700. Before those years happened; the passion of science never existed than
today's modern science. The foundations of modern science were laid in Western Europe.
During its centuries, its experience and knowledge of science has evolved slightly. Churches such as; the catholic church, accepted a set of principles and teachings based on the Romans and Greeks, which legally established as a corporation into religious doctrine. At this period of time, the knowledge and study of science had less inquiry of the facts and information. As well as the scientific experimentation. Somewhat, People and students of sciences committed to read and accepted the works of authorities as truth. But scientific observers and believers were stuned and surprise to know that the conclusions did not always match up with the truths they have accepted.
With this result, others were inspired to dig for information, and study the world further around them.
Aftermath, the study of science quickly made longer and larger into the heavens from the earth.
And Nicolas Copernicus, which studied and examined the records of the motions of heavenly bodies, lately rejected the geocentric theory, which was the belief that the Earth was the center of the solar system. And supersede its theory, and assumed that the sun is at the center of the solar system. And the earth was one of the planets that revolve around it, which was the heliocentric theory. This secret and cunning plan was agreed, that it resulted better with the records of astronomy at that time. But Copernicus had slight evidence to sustain his assertion, which constrained his theory from attaining full acceptance. It awaited the progression of physics and mathematics to sustain his assertion. And happened to be waited not very long.
At the seventeenth century, the mathematics had a great development and progress in algebra, the advance of geometry, trigonometry, and the study of Rene Descartes about the linkage of form and motion with quantifiable numeric values.
Then the science of physics rapidly increased.
At the sixteenth century Galileo Galilei explored the laws of motion, and helped us understand and analyze that the gravity acceleration pulled all objects toward the earth on the same rate.
And soon other physicists studied and explored matter, using the advance understanding of the properties of gases, which lead to the invention of the air pump, thermometer, and the barometer. But physicist try harder to discover the matter on the atomic scale and its structure that most of them were unsuccessful.
On the "Realm of Biology" derived from the advance of physics, one of the first applications of the knowledge where discovered through it. With it, the human body's physiology could be easily understood. But many of the mysteries of the human body disappeared during the seventeenth century. Though the field of astronomy was the most outstanding and famous application of the laws of physics.
Johannes Kepler proved that the orbit of the planets were elliptical, but he was unable to sustain a productive model of our solar system. Perhaps Galileo, published his
Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World in 1630 and supported Copernican, or heliocentric theory of the universe. And accuse the Aristotelian system falsely, and preserved the geocentric theory. Galileo sustained his assertion with complex evidence that came from the study of physics.
Sir Isaac Newton was considered as one of the most important scientists of all time. And was considered to have the highest achievement of his work and study on the evolution of science.
Newton combined Galileo's exploration into the laws of gravity and Kepler's laws of planetary motion into a inclusive understanding of the coordination of components of the universe according to the law of universal gravitation. He layed out this inclusive system of organization and established the mathematical field of calculus, which is being seen as the key that can unlocked the mysteries of the universe and the key moment of the struggle of all of the Scientists of the Scientific Revolution.