Burton's Global Page: September 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

This is a crisis that the revolutionary leaders turned on each other. "Reign of terror" is a period during French Revolution that happened between September 1793 and July 1784. It was a time of violence when systematic violence is used by the government, person, or group to frighten other people and obtain or maintain control or command over them. This is a period of time on which thousands of people were executed as enemies of the revolution.
Robespierre's view was, constitutional government would have to wait until fear and repression had eliminated the enemies of the Revolution. Robespierre forced the Girondins to leave from the National Convention.
France was in a state of great confusion, commotion, or disturbance, and with the aim of restoring order and reducing the danger of invasion from other countries. Robespierre eliminated all whom he considered to be enemies of the Revolution, both extremist and moderates. This policy led to as what they call, the Reign of Terror and to the execution.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The French Revolution: Social Causes

Around 20th century until the 1970s the French Revolution was described as the result of the growing economic and social importance of the middle class. They believe that it overthrew the "Old form of Government (Old Regime)" because that form of government had given power and benefit or advantage to other classes, which are: the nobility and the clergy, who prevented the middle class from advancing socially and politically. This establishment of meaning has taken the place by one that depends less on social and economic influences and more on political ones.

And because of the decline in the economic activity on the late 1770s, some of the middle class were frustrated in their wealth and rising power, and the bread prices, which are rising just before the Revolution. It increased dissatisfied unhappiness among the workers and peasants. And now it is believed that because of a crisis in the French state, the revolutionary process started.

On 1789 much of the French people had become disapproving of the monarchy, even though it had been largely successful in militarily who are defending France. They were annoyed at the rising and unequal taxes, the persecution of religious minorities, and the government who interferes in their private lives.
Meanwhile, the developed royal court at Versailles, which impresses the French people and Europe generally, symbolizes the waste and corruption of the entire old form of government (Old Regime).

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo Galilei

In the early centuries, Aristotle and Ptolemy had a theory that the Earth is at the center of the universe, and the Sun and other objects go around it, which is called the Geocentric Theory. Early philosophers assumed with a complex idea that the Sun, Moon, Stars, and naked eye planets circle around the Earth. But Lately the Geocentric Theory was proven to be wrong.
Nicolas Copernicus studied and examined the records of motions of heavenly bodies by using the scientific method, and rejected the Geocentric Theory. And had a theory that the sun is at the center of the solar system. And that all the planets revolve around it, which is called the Heliocentric Theory.

The Geocentric theory was the first theory that came first. And the Heliocentric theory was the theory that came out of the scientific revolution. (To be Continued)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

The Scientific Revolution happened around 1500 and 1700. Before those years happened; the passion of science never existed than today's modern science. The foundations of modern science were laid in Western Europe.
During its centuries, its experience and knowledge of science has evolved slightly. Churches such as; the catholic church, accepted a set of principles and teachings based on the Romans and Greeks, which legally established as a corporation into religious doctrine. At this period of time, the knowledge and study of science had less inquiry of the facts and information. As well as the scientific experimentation. Somewhat, People and students of sciences committed to read and accepted the works of authorities as truth. But scientific observers and believers were stuned and surprise to know that the conclusions did not always match up with the truths they have accepted.
With this result, others were inspired to dig for information, and study the world further around them.

Aftermath, the study of science quickly made longer and larger into the heavens from the earth.
And Nicolas Copernicus, which studied and examined the records of the motions of heavenly bodies, lately rejected the geocentric theory, which was the belief that the Earth was the center of the solar system. And supersede its theory, and assumed that the sun is at the center of the solar system. And the earth was one of the planets that revolve around it, which was the heliocentric theory. This secret and cunning plan was agreed, that it resulted better with the records of astronomy at that time. But Copernicus had slight evidence to sustain his assertion, which constrained his theory from attaining full acceptance. It awaited the progression of physics and mathematics to sustain his assertion. And happened to be waited not very long.

At the seventeenth century, the mathematics had a great development and progress in algebra, the advance of geometry, trigonometry, and the study of Rene Descartes about the linkage of form and motion with quantifiable numeric values.
Then the science of physics rapidly increased.
At the sixteenth century Galileo Galilei explored the laws of motion, and helped us understand and analyze that the gravity acceleration pulled all objects toward the earth on the same rate.
And soon other physicists studied and explored matter, using the advance understanding of the properties of gases, which lead to the invention of the air pump, thermometer, and the barometer. But physicist try harder to discover the matter on the atomic scale and its structure that most of them were unsuccessful.

On the "Realm of Biology" derived from the advance of physics, one of the first applications of the knowledge where discovered through it. With it, the human body's physiology could be easily understood. But many of the mysteries of the human body disappeared during the seventeenth century. Though the field of astronomy was the most outstanding and famous application of the laws of physics.

Johannes Kepler proved that the orbit of the planets were elliptical, but he was unable to sustain a productive model of our solar system. Perhaps Galileo, published his Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World in 1630 and supported Copernican, or heliocentric theory of the universe. And accuse the Aristotelian system falsely, and preserved the geocentric theory. Galileo sustained his assertion with complex evidence that came from the study of physics.

Sir Isaac Newton was considered as one of the most important scientists of all time. And was considered to have the highest achievement of his work and study on the evolution of science.
Newton combined Galileo's exploration into the laws of gravity and Kepler's laws of planetary motion into a inclusive understanding of the coordination of components of the universe according to the law of universal gravitation. He layed out this inclusive system of organization and established the mathematical field of calculus, which is being seen as the key that can unlocked the mysteries of the universe and the key moment of the struggle of all of the Scientists of the Scientific Revolution.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

Creation and Evolution has been a big issue in our lives, as well as how we understand and analyze the facts of life in the planet we live in.
People are most likely divided to have different beliefs on Evolution and Creation. And Scientist study about Evolution, and how it explains the theoretical process by which all species develop from earlier forms of life.
Charles Darwin, a British scientist is one of the greatest scientist whose theory is based on Evolution, which laid the foundations of modern evolutionary. Darwin's Theory is based on how we evolve through Evolution, and how random genetic mutations occur within an organism’s genetic code written DNA. Darwin believes that we're all connected by similarities or a common source through the life of animals, plants, and fruits or any living thing on earth that have similarities through ourselves. Darwin assumes that every thing that happened through our lives are natural through the slow working process called; “natural selection“, which are passed on to the next generation that results as a different kind of organism by avoiding or ignoring complexities of our ancestors that evolve naturally overtime.
Darwin’s theory of evolution is a slow gradual process. Scientist in the modern day uses scientific tools such as, the microscope, and other tools that are built in order for scientist to go deeper through the human body and discover more about cells and how human body and other organisms evolve. But Darwin, on his days, concluded that "we don't need a microscope to observe irreducible complexity. The eye, the ear and the heart are all examples of irreducible complexity."
Still there were certain amounts of information and technology that was discovered and built today that Darwin didn't know. In addition, "Evolution" still has an absence of a particular thing. And scientist are still studying, experimenting, and researching all the facts of life that may be leading on how life started billions of billions of years ago, which are still considered as a theoretical process.

On the other hand, other people believe in "Creation." Believers on creationism are religious people. they believe that God created the universe. They accept geological findings but rejects evolution. Creationism, covers a broad range of beliefs and interpretation involving to God's miraculous creation. And today, people are divided according to its beliefs, and no one could still justify and correct, which is right.

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