Burton's Global Page: November 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

Japanese had a peaceful life and living until Commodore Perry came to their country. It happened in 1853, when four American war ships came to the bay near Yedo with the purpose of a treaty trade. The Japanese were really shock on what they saw cause it was the first time for them to witness the transformation of technology that was brought by Mathew Perry.
He had a steam ship that uses steam power. And his crew brought large amounts of guns and huge black ships. The ships released a lot of smoke into the air, which terrified and impressed most of the Japanese. Mathew Perry warned the Japanese that if they won't let them in, they will open the country by force.
Mathew Perry came to Japan because they also need water and coal for their ships and crew to regain strength. Most of the Japanese had never seen foreigners from western countries. But Perry surprised them with gifts and other things that the Japanese where really fascinated about.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Karl Marx and Communism

Try to imagine what if in our world no one is poor and no one is rich? And why would everything won't be fair for people to live? Imagine if valuable things like land and factories belonged to each and everyone. And imagine this world where we live in which everyone is working so hard but not even one is paid. Why? So that everything would be free. These are some of the central ideas of a movement called communism that was invented by Karl Marx.

Karl Marx ideas of this movement of communism became famous in the early 1800's. There were a lot of big factories that were made and rising at that time. And a lot of workers working in factories gained low money or wages from their work. And in the meantime, factory owners were getting rich. This cause a lot workers to be angry.
There were two Germans who turned this anger into political movement and created a big impact on the society. They were Friedrich Engels, and of course Karl Marx. They written a book that was publish in 1848 called, The Communist Manifesto where they written most of the goals of this movement.
Marx and Engels said that all through history, different classes called the proletariat (the working class) and the bourgeoisie (the owning class) had been at war.
The fighting classes of their time were the owners of businesses and the people who worked for them. He viewed the working class as the good guys because they suffered and sacrificed much of their time for their jobs to get paid, for them to be able to eat and live. And he viewed the owning class as the bad guys because they don't really care much about the workers. They just make them work a lot and sometimes they don't even pay them the exact amount of money. And the owning class just keeps getting richer.
So Marx and Engels called all the workers of the world to unite (workers of the world unite!), in which the workers themselves owned all business. They said that if workers were in charge, everybody would get what they needed to live a comfortable and good life. He also wrote this book called Das Kapital. It is were he expanded his explanations of these ideas.
And soon, communism spread throughout Europe where most of the communists in Russia conquered some neighboring countries, too. They called their new empire the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), or Soviet Union for short. Joseph Stalin was the man who took control in the USSR. He used cruel force to make the Soviet Union into a communist country. He killed and murdered many people by torturing and putting them in prison. He also made a country where everyone worked for the government. And this government made most of the control and decisions for the people.
Around World War II, the Soviet Union won. And it gained control over most of the countries in Eastern Europe when the war had ended in 1945. During this period in China, they had a communist leader that was rising in power. His name was Mao Zedong. He seized control of his country in 1949. China had a huge population and it became the biggest communist country of all. But communism lose its strength. That was the time when many non communist countries fought to keep communism from spreading because they were afraid that communism would keep expanding, which it will threat non communist countries.
The United States was the country that led the fight against communism, while the Soviet Union supported communist movements around the world.
These days and years of struggle and pain is known as the Cold War. This lasted for more than 40 years.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx is known to be one of the most influential thinkers of all time. Karl was born on May 5, 1818, and died in 1883. He is a German revolutionary and political philosopher. He was also considered to be one of the most important of all socialist thinkers and creator of a system of thought called Marxism.

Marx was educated at the universities of Berlin, Bonn, and Jenna.
He is a bright man and a great student in which soon he became an editor of the paper after he wrote his first article to the Cologne newspaper Rheinische Zeitung. But his writings were criticizing political and social conditions, which as a result, he was in trouble with the authorities. In 1843 he wanted to resign on being an editor, so
the Cologne newspaper Rheinische Zeitung was ordered to discontinue publication.

But Karl Marx inspired and helped a lot of people and changed their perspective of their lives. Karl Marx created the basic ideas of a movement called communism. He imagined a world in which everyone worked, but no one got paid because he believed everyone would be free. And he predicted that the rich would get richer and the poor would be poorer.
Karl Marx spend most of his life in the days of the Industrial Revolution. He didn't like the Industrial Revolution because of the way it is, and the way people work and sacrifice themselves for their living. His vision and perspective of the world where he lived was great and wide. In the Industrial Revolution, he saw and viewed the people who are factory owners as nobles and the people who work in factories as peasants.
But Karl Marx had pity for the workers (proletariat). And he wanted them to take control or to rise up to start a revolution (workers of the world unite!). He and Friedrich Engels wanted the workers themselves to own all businesses because they believe that if workers are in control, everyone would get what they needed and wanted to live good lives (Marx explained these ideas further more in a book called Das Kapital). This system is called Communism.
Karl Marx was inspired to have this idea of Communism because he knows that the working class and the owning class will be at war, and he knows that wouldn't be good at all. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels announced the goals of this movement in their 1848 book called The Communist Manifesto.

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